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To: Ted Stethem <tstethem@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us>
From: dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan)
Subject: Re: LW 4.0 Distributors
Cc: lightwave@webcom.com
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
> ' SNIP '
> Can anybody provide some
>distributors that Lightwave is available through, who has the best price
>and availability?
Call MicroTech Solutions in Aurora, Illinois.
Proprietor John Crookshank is a great guy... he's well versed in Amiga's
as well as PC's.
(708) 851-3033
> My only problem now is trying to decide to stay with my
>Amiga and get the Amiga version or go out and join the herd buying 120
>MHz Pentiums and get the LW for Windows.
Well... if you are strictly LightWave... go with a Pentium. Don't wait
for the 150mhz's, because by then, there will be talk of 180's and
200's and so on... it's constant. Get in the game and keep playing.
If you need framestores for graphics, CG, etc... and you have a
Toaster, keep it... add LW 4.0 to that.
The best scenario, however, would be a full Toaster System,
and a Pentium for rendering... if the budget allows.
Dan Ablan
(312) 239-7957
dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan) sent this message.
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